Late Saturday Night
I went to a friend’s birthday party at his house in Dallas on Saturday night. I got back home around 2:00am Sunday morning. On Sunday I became acutely aware that I seem to have misplaced my “stay out late and get up the next day without any ill effects” card. Does it get revoked at 30 or something?
Anyhow, I will say that my friend knows how to put on a party. He hired a bartender and had a good portion of the country’s strategic liquor and beer reserves on hand. Unfortunately, the buzzkill neighbors objected to the noise and a couple of Dallas’ finest showed up around 11:30. He promised them that he would tone things down, but I suspect the freakin’ MARIACHI BAND queueing up behind the officers at the gate didn’t exactly give them a warm-and-fuzzy. In order to at least try to quiet things down we piled about 50 people and the mariachi band into his garage and closed the door. It went pretty well, considering, although I think the blaring trumpets rearranged some of my brain cells (or perhaps a portion of “The Glenlivet” and a great honkin’ CIGAR* had something to do with this as well).
Isn’t there some sort of unwritten rule that you don’t call the cops before midnight on a Saturday night? Or at least that’s how I tended to treat noisy neighbors when I had to deal with them. Here in Keller none of my immediate neighbors seems to stay up past 10:00 pm. There are some houses with high schoolers (and a couple of college students) up the block, and there is occasional nocturnal activity there, but so far nothing noisy.
* An A. Fuente Canones (8 1/2 x 52, Madura) I picked up at Ole Grapevine Cigar & Tobacco Shop on a whim.