Just Not Getting It

I’m not sure what I’m going to have to do on the gunshow page to get people to understand that I’m not a damn gunshow promoter.  The page itself has the following disclaimer:

I am not a promoter and do not have any official connection to the shows that are listed. If you have questions about the show or about promoting your product or service at a show, please contact the promoter directly.

And since I don’t publish an email address, you have to click the “Contact” link to get in touch with me.  The contact form has a disclaimer as well:

I am not a promoter and do not have information about tables or selling at shows. Please contact the promoters directly. Links to the promoters’ websites and contact information are contained in the individual show entries on this site.

Despite these clear (at least to me) warnings, I get a couple of emails a week from people who think I’m running the shows.  I get requests for table pricing, questions about whether a particular product can be sold at a particular show, and occasional complaints about things that happened at recent shows. 

I’m really starting to wonder just what it’s going to take to get people to understand that I don’t run the shows.

I need a JavaScript hammer or something.  Hammer.smite(idiot);  cool mad

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