More Pork
I see in our latest Keller Citizen (3/24/06) that a new group is going to ask the city to build a tennis park. Like with the previously proposed (and hopefully, dead) skate park, I am opposed to this on the general principle that it’s not the business of the city to be funding non-infrastructure items. More importantly, where does it stop? The taxpayers are not an unlimited ATM. At a time when household budgets are under strain with energy costs and increased (and likely to increase again) school taxes, it’s simply unacceptable to be trying to suck more money out of us.
If people really want a tennis park, or a skate park, then let them raise the funds and build one. From what I saw in the article, there’s actually already a private club with tennis courts available, although it needs renovation (and the owner claims that his business has suffered from the opening of the new recreation center). If Keller really has that much frustrated demand for tennis, then it will make business sense to build a tennis park, and someone will fund it.