Is There A Word For That?

I girded myself for a trip to Sam’s today to lay in some provisions for my sister’s impending visit.  Since it’s usually just me and the dog, I was woefully understocked for hosting two adults, two children, and a dog for a week.  As expected, Sam’s was a zoo.  Aside from dealing with the rude and inconsiderate people in the store, spending a bit over $300 at the register, and tearing my favorite shirt on my truck’s tailgate as I loaded the stuff¹, everything went fairly well.  blank stare

Anyhow…  after unpacking everything and doing some straightening up in preparation for their arrival I realized that it was nearly 4:00 and I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast.  As I ate, it occurred to me that while we have a word for a late breakfast/early lunch, I’ve never heard of one for a late lunch/early supper (or dinner, depending on your predelictions).  I suppose that it would either be “linner” or “lupper,” neither of which have the same friendliness as “brunch.”  Thanks to a quick Google search, I learned that I’m not the first one to think of it, and that there are actually people out there who use both words.

¹ Note to Avalanche designers:  make that stupid little rubber spacer thingy on the tailgate so that it doesn’t fall off.  The current design sucks and doesn’t take into account someone leaning against the side of the tailgate to reach stuff inside the bed.

1 Comment

  1. Bitter says:

    My friends and I used to call it lupper.  It never really caught on though.