Refried Brains

I’m beginning to wonder if this foul contagion that has settled upon me might be more than a cold.  I’ve been alternating between hot and cold, but not yet to the level of chills (*crosses fingers*).  Maybe it’s just a really mean cold virus.  Anyway, it has addled my brain to the point of near uselessness, leaving me little interest in writing blog entries.  However, I have been reading other sites and I have a few thoughts left.

First, Rachel Lucas opened a can of worms by commenting on homosexuality, HIV, and the Thacker nomination.  The thread is currently up to 108 comments.  One thing that distressed Rachel (and me as well) was the number of people who seem to think that quoting the Bible is sufficient to end debate on the subject.  For me and Rachel and many other people the Bible is simply a book.  I certainly don’t have a problem with people who wish to base their lives on its teachings, but I do take umbrage and exception when they try to apply it to the rest of us.  I have had a number of gay and lesbian friends over the years.  From conversations with them I can only conclude that homosexuality is inborn in most cases.  There are cases where people make a choice—this was the case with one lesbian I used to know who was raped as a teenager.  Regardless, though, this does not prove the argument that all gays are that way by choice.  When confronted with an argument from someone that all homosexuality is by choice and the statements from actual homosexuals who always knew that they were that way from their earliest recollections, I tend to believe the gay person.

On another topic, I was glad to see this.  Those damn fools at DARPA shouldn’t even have considered something as outrageously unconstitutional as Total Information Awareness.  Let’s hope the House goes along and nips this in the bud.

Finally, I thought the “Axis of Weasels” was hilarious.  It’s a good thing I wasn’t drinking anything at the time.


  1. Rachel says:

    Thank you, Aubrey!  Another voice of reason in the din.  It is extremely soothing to know that I’m not the only one who feels the way I do about this issue. 

    And secondly, I really really hope you feel better soon!  Take care, stay medicated, stay warm, and hang in there.

    All my best.

  2. Fuze says:

    Re [[One thing that distressed Rachel (and me as well) was the number of people who seem to think that quoting the Bible is sufficient to end debate on the subject.]]

    I agree, that disturbs me too.  The debate-closer need not use the Bible either.  Any book will do.  I see it as an outgrowth of any belief system that claims that the Bible/Q’uran/Dianetics/you name it contains all knowledge worth knowing.  It is a phenomenon not limited to our times either, as shown in the proverb “timeo hominen unius libri”.

  3. Indeed.  For someone who has taken the “leap of faith,” it’s difficult for them to understand that others may not view their primary book as the font of all knowledge.  I’m not saying that I probably don’t have a similar blind spot, but at least I’m aware of the potential problem.