Hit The Road, Jack…

I’ve been working from home all this week, and I don’t see how people do it.  I’m about to go nuts here because there’s no one to talk to.  For all my curmudgeonly ways, I still find that having interaction with other people is necessary.  Maybe that’s the secret.  Most of the people I know that are successful at working from home are married (and most of them have children).

Even so, I may work from home more often in the future, since I still managed to get the work done.  I just won’t be making a habit of doing it for more than a couple of days at a time.  The main benefit is that I get back over an hour a day that I would otherwise spend driving (30 minutes each way).  This means that I can start at 7:30 and quit at 4:30 or so.  Of course, that may be overly optimistic.  The project I’m working on will be doing system and performance testing in March.  This phase is always an opportunity for copious amounts of (unpaid) overtime (I’m not going to complain much, though, because the job keeps me in guns and ammo smile ).

I’m going to take the opportunity to go back to East Texas for the weekend before things get too hectic on the project.  So I’m off tomorrow and I’ll be away for the weekend.  If the war starts in the meantime, I’ll keep a good thought for our troops and the Iraqi civilians.

See everyone next week.


  1. david flores says:

    Hi Aubrey,

    Though this isn’t related to your post on working from home, I did run into this link “Blog Publishers Stealing Web Limelight”

    Anyway, I thought you should know that I read all your posts because there are many points of view that don’t get much play in the media.  Blogs may be the answer to this….

  2. David,

    Thanks for reading the site.  I read the article you linked above and found it interesting.  The mainstream media is having trouble determing how it feels about weblogs.  In many ways, they are troubled by them because of the tendency of bloggers to ‘fact check their asses’.  They are now facing a distributed feedback mechanism that almost instantaneously corrects their defects.  From the tone of many mainstream articles on blogging, I don’t think they like being corrected. smile