A Bad Situation…
Remind me not to get Rachel Lucas pissed off at me. I don’t know the facts behind the situation she’s describing, but I know how she feels. If she had comments going, I’d commiserate with her there, but I also understand how difficult the last semester of college can be (in my case I took 19 hours, 3 of which were for a project class that took every spare minute, and worked part time in the computer center).
I have a friend who is in a domestic abuse situation and I worry about her. I’d like to grind the little bastard she’s seeing into the ground, but I keep it to myself most of the time because I don’t see anything I can do about it (at least without landing myself in jail). It’s horribly frustrating to sit by and watch someone stay in that kind of situation (it’s even more frustrating to know that you can’t help until she is ready for it). So far it appears to be mostly mental (which is bad enough), but I worry that it will escalate to serious injury.
I sympathize and agree. I had a roommate in college who was in an abusive relationship, eventually escalating to phsyical violence. He was a cokehead frat guy, probably an undiagnosed manic depressive, and much bigger than she was. Bad shit.
She refused to press charges. All me and my other roommates could do was insist that he not be allowed in our off-campus house, ever, and to call the cops to make them aware of the situation, even though we couldn’t file a report ourselves. The Philly cops were great and told us to call if we ever could get her to file a report. We couldn’t.
It was heartbreaking to watch and a bad situation all around. I hate it when guys pull that shit. I hate it just as much when women put up with it.