Cicso To Buy Linksys

Everyone else is doing a far better job of war coverage than I ever could, so I guess I’ll stick to my usual stuff….

The 802.11g specification is still a draft standard, so there will be some potential problems deploying products based on that standard.  So despite my recent problems with a WPC54G card, I still like Linksys products.  Which is why I’m a bit concerned about the news today that Cisco is planning to buy Linksys.  I understand that Cisco makes good products in the corporate environment, but I’ve not had much exposure to them.  I’m a software guy, so their products are hidden from me at work and I haven’t used them at home.  My hope is that they will keep the Linksys product line distinct from their other products.  This could happen, since the reason given for Cisco’s purchase is that they wanted to get into the home wireless LAN business, which is an area where Linksys is very strong.

I guess I’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

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