Long Day…
It seemed like I spent the whole day tilting at the windmills of bureaucracy. Fortunately we finally prevailed and it looks like my project is going to deploy on time (it’s been a long, tough trip). The amount of red-tape and the sheer number of obstructionist asswits that we have to deal with to get a project deployed in my company is mindboggling. I once saw a checklist that the project manager has to follow through all phases of a project. It was 6 or 8 pages long with well over a hundred steps that had to be followed (checklists have to be filled out, approvals obtained, review boards satiated, etc). And almost none of this had to do with the actual technical work (like designing the system, developing it, testing it, etc). I find it amusing in a droll sort of way that the same company that imposes all this nonsense on us also complains that it takes too long and costs too much to develop web projects. Anyhow, if you’d seen me after the last conference call ended at 4:00 pm, I probably looked like a wreck. I just sat there in my chair for a few minutes, slumped way down, and stared at the wall.
But I guess I shouldn’t be too upset. I have lots of work to do and the company seems to like having me do it. Now that this project is wrapping up, I’ve been assigned to three new ones (but I’m hoping that we can at least consolidate two of them into one), and I also have responsibilities for another project that is ongoing. At least it keeps me in guns and ammo.
All of this got me to thinking about the phrase, “It’s been a long day” because that’s the way I felt when I left work. Of course, the little Spock in my head immediately wondered about the illogic of it. I locked the little bastard in his closet and left him to stew, because it was such a nice day when I got outside. It was nice and warm, maybe just a little too humid, but I won’t complain about that. According to my truck’s thermometer it was 91° F this afternoon. Even so, I loved it. I drove home with the windows down and the radio blasting.
To top it off, I decided to mow the lawn when I got home (mainly to prevent my neighbors from lynching me ). But there’s something to be said for lawn work. It doesn’t take a lot of thought and it gives you a chance to just do for a while, which is a nice diversion when you’ve spent all day thinking and reacting.
Ok, that’s probably enough bore blogging for me…