I’m now safely ensconced in front of my mother’s computer, waiting for her to come home (she works the second shift in a hospital). The drive home was a bit stressful. I’m convinced that holiday weekend drivers are out of their freakin’ minds. Some things I witnessed just this afternoon.
- An idiot in a new black Dodge Ram (quad-cab with Harley sticker on the back window) who passed in a no-passing zone just north of 1171 on 377 and almost caused a head on collision. Later, at 407, I thought they were going to run the light (they were about halfway into the intersection when the light turned; it’s a good thing none of the usual concrete trucks were coming through).
- An idiot in a tan car with California plates (I didn’t get the model as it was just another typical four-door car) who went south in the left northbound lane of Loop 288 at I35-E. He swung back over into his lane once into the intersection and stopped. The driver was laughing(!), while the passenger had his head down and his hand over his face in embarassment.
- Some old woman in an old car who tried to pull out in front of me at the intersection of 155 North and Hiway 80 in Big Sandy. One thing I’ve learned about Friday and Saturday night in Big Sandy is to watch out for drunks (although this one could have just been old). But in the best of times this intersection is dangerous because it’s at the top of a hill.