Arrrr!  There Be Pirates!

It’s Monday, so a bit of levity is needed.  I squirreled this link away last week and found it again this morning.  At the end of the Dave Barry column on telemarketers, I found this bit about September, 19th.

IMPORTANT REMINDER—Mark your calendar with a big ‘‘X’’ on Sept. 19, which is the second annual National Talk Like A Pirate Day. This is the day when everybody is supposed to talk like a pirate for very solid reasons (see

Last year, the first National Talk Like a Pirate Day was a huge success, as measured by the number of messages on my answering machine consisting entirely of people going ‘‘Arrrrr.’’ So if you’re feeling depressed—if you think the world is in terrible shape, and one person like yourself can’t make a difference—remember this: You’re right. So you might as well talk like a pirate. It’s easy! For example, when you answer the phone, instead of ‘‘Hello,’’ you say ‘‘Ahoy!’‘

Then you hang up. Scurvy telemarrrrrketers!

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