Into The Land Of Lileks
On Sunday I will fly up to Minneapolis for a week-long business meeting (I won’t reveal the exact location, lest I give too many clues to the company I dare not name, but I won’t be in Minneapolis for the meeting itself). As a Texan, I’m more comfortable when the temperature is above 80 degrees, so I was a bit worried about this trip. It looks like the temperatures up there have moderated from their normal arctic levels, but still, this bit from today’s Bleat doesn’t alleviate my trepidation.
The streets are lined with filthy snowbanks. Winter is in retreat, but we know it deploys the scorpion tail in early March. This is the time of year that grinds your spirit down to pulp and dust.
Let’s hope the scorpion keeps his tail to himself until after my return flight next Friday is at 30,000 ft. and I’ve put on my headphones…
Hey Aubrey,
This is off topic but thanks for your thoughts on getting a UPS for the house. I shoulda thought of that myself.