My Hatred Knows No Bounds
My hatred for insects, that is. The other day I went out to grab the paper and heard an ominous buzzing above my head as I came in. There was a nest of red wasps on the eave of the house right above the entry area. At times like this I don’t want any of those namby-pamby new bug sprays that promise to smell nice or be more environmentally friendly. I want some nasty stuff that knocks those stinging bastards right out of the air. I hit that nest with a dose of ‘Real Kill’ and most of them dropped down to the ground and rolled around. A couple of them tried to take off again and I hit them with a personal dose of it and put an end to that. Real Kill doesn’t smell nice and you don’t want to get it on you, but it does the job of knocking ‘em dead from 20-ft. away. With that other crap I bought at Home Depot last time you would end up drowning them with the spray rather than having the chemicals do the work.
Which brings me to the general ineffectiveness I’ve noticed in so-called environmentally friendly solutions. I remember once making the mistake of buying some eco-friendly windshield fluid. Not only did it smell bad, it didn’t work. Now I look for the stuff with the skull-and-crossbones on the label so that I know it will work. When you have to scrub off a bunch of nasty Texas bugs you need toxic chemicals, not green vinegar.