The Boston Strangler

This article finally cemented something in my mind that had been percolating back there for a while.  One of the common themes I see among anti-gun people is the idea that putting weapons in a person’s hands will stifle their self-control and turn them into homicidal maniacs.  I’ve often thought that this was a projection of their own innermost thoughts onto gun owners.  Taking what I’ve been hearing from Kerry and combining it with what people who served with him have been saying, Kerry strikes me as the just the type who would turn into a maniac when given the opportunity.

As I mentioned previously, Kerry never had a chance with me, given that he stands against just about everything I believe.  But the more I learn about him, the slimier he seems.  All things considered, the idea of John “Boston Strangler” Kerry in the White House makes me extremely nervous.

Link via Vodkapundit.

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