Mayhem And Ghouls

While waiting for the wee (and not so wee) beasties to come begging for candy I kept an ear on the scanner to see what else was going on in the area.  It sounded to me like a fair number of teenagers decided to skip the treat business and proceed directly to trick.  There were calls for teenagers driving wrecklessly, teens harassing trick-or-treaters, teens throwing eggs at houses and cars, and even one about teens throwing water balloons from their cars at other cars (almost causing the caller to have a wreck).

The calls stopped about the same time as the trick-or-treaters petered out, which was the same time a thunderstorm rolled in.  Unfortunately, this left me with a pile of candy.  Since I don’t go into the office any more, I can’t pawn this stuff off on my coworkers.  I think most of it will land in the trash, especially the smarties and those nasty little Marvel candy sticks (the boxes were cool, but the candy sucked). 


  1. Dude, I will take the Smarties off your hands. I’m addicted. I can go through a whole 2-pound bag in a weekend. They’re a major weakness.

    On second thought, maybe you *should* just toss ‘em. And sorry about the “dude,” dude. I just get so…California when Smarties are in play. 😀

  2. I ended up dumping at least two pounds of Smarties.  I’d gotten the three pound bag, and had only given out a few.