
I keep wanting to see today’s election as the end of a long and trying election cycle.  I’d like to breathe a sigh of relief that it’s finally over.  Unfortunately, I don’t think we’re going to be able to say it’s over at the end of the day today.  I’m afraid that if the election results are close that the Democrats will deploy a plague of lawyers into the battleground states in order to gum up the works and put stink on the whole operation in the hopes of maybe pulling things their way. 

I’m very wary that this thing could be dragged out for months.  I hope it won’t, but I’m still afraid that it will happen.


  1. Cinomed says:

    I have been calling a healthy win by Bush for months, but honestly that is cause I am dreading the fiasco, win or lose, the democrats are destroying the very credibility of the elections.
    sad, so very sad.

  2. Kevin White says:

    George Will expressed the same fear in a Newsweek column recently, speculating as to who might take over if the legal debacle lasts through the early months of 2005.

  3. I hadn’t considered what would happen if the challenge went on into 2005.

    To add to the mix, we also now have Rehnquist’s health problems.  Let’s hope this election doesn’t have to go to the Supreme Court.

  4. Outlaw3 says:

    At last, we are turned into another third world country by the democrats and their inability to admit that just maybe people don’t see things their way.  You can tell the loser though, he is the one with 10,000 lawyers on alert to deploy lawsuits and writs at a moment’s notice.

    What ever happened to graceful concession speeches that made you want to get on with the nation’s business?  Is the loss of “power” that bad for democrats?

  5. Cinomed says:

    Surprisingly Kerry has conceded, he will be giving a speech today.
    I gotta hand it to him, he is definetly scoring some points with me, still a lefty nut job, but at least a little of an upstanding one.

    Aubrey, Bush may not be the perfect guy, but dammit he is the best option we got, and I have teared up with joy today.

  6. Well, you know my reticence on Bush, but I’m relieved that it’s over.  A Kerry presidency would have been a Bad Thingâ„¢.

    At least he did one thing right and conceded.