May 15, 2002

EAA Witness Compact 9mm

After hearing about the EAA Witness series from L. Neil Smith and from other sources, the bug finally bit me and I picked up a Compact 9mm EAA Witness at the Big Town Gun Show in Mesquite on 5/4.

I took it to the range last week and put 150 rounds through it. There were no failures of any kind. My coworker put another 50 rounds through it after me and had no problems either.

I was impressed at how good the gun feels in your hand and how well it shoots (although I did everything in single-action mode--I didn't try double). The trigger pull was smooth and the gun was quite accurate (more accurate than me, anyway). Felt recoil with the 115-grain FMJ Wolf was quite mild (although I must confess I had been using my 45ACP Kimber Ultra CDP-II before hand, which might bias me a bit).

All in all, this is a nice gun. The fit and finish were good and it shoots well.

Impressive, given the gun only cost $335.00 (with tax) NIB.

Posted by Aubrey at May 15, 2002 04:07 PM

I also have the compact version of the witness 9mm. I have been very happy with it but was wondering if anyone had tried the conversion kits for this gun in either .22, 40 or 45. Please e-mail me and let me know.

Posted by: Josh Vegors at November 4, 2002 05:14 PM
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