Someone entered a comment in an old post of mine from October 9th. I'd noticed in my referrer logs that I had been getting three or four hits a day on the above "Bushism" post. The poster called the President an "imbercile" (sic).
I hereby propose a new rule of internet discussion:
Godwin's Bush corollary:
Calling President Bush a moron or imbecile means automatic loss of argument.
Update: I want to clarify that I'm not a supporter of President Bush. I'm just sick and tired of the meanspiritedness surrounding the so-called public discourse about him.
Posted by Aubrey at December 5, 2002 09:03 AMI have some other suggestions:
1) When you refer to "Our friends, the Saudis," you should be dragged outside and shot, unless you are being obviously sarcastic.
2) When you speak the words "The Honorable Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton," you should be dragged outside and shot. Period.
3) When you talk about "an income tax cut for the poor," you should be forced to wear a tinfoil hat, sit in the corner and chant "I am a dumbass" until sane people tell you to quit. Otherwise, you should be dragged off and shot.
4) When you start to think that you might vote for John Kerry for President, just do us all a favor. Go outside and shoot YOURSELF.
That's MY hunble opinion.
Posted by: Acidman at December 5, 2002 05:12 PMI don't think I can disagree with any of those suggestions, although you're a bit more harsh than I am (but then that's why I like your blog).
Posted by: Aubrey Turner at December 5, 2002 09:21 PM