December 30, 2002


Today I went to the range and shot the Kimber and the Browning. Of course this means that I had to clean them. My usual cleaning routine is to spread everything out on the coffee table and halfway watch TV while I'm doing it. Maybe that's why it takes me so long (that and being anal-retentive about getting every last bit of junk out of the gun).

Tonight I was watching the Discovery Channel, which was running a piece with the title Changing Sexes: Male to Female. They examined a number of factors involved with male to female transsexuals. The show reminded me of something I've always wondered about. Why do some people get so upset about this? I know that there are some people out there who object to damn near everything that makes anyone else happy, but I've never comprehended their arguments. I guess for me it all comes down to this: Are they harming anyone else? If not, who the hell are we to interfere?

They also noted that transsexuals are sometimes attacked because of who they are. Since I was holding a gun at the time (albeit one that was disassembled), I thought about the virtues of armed self-defense. Unfortunately, the person being profiled lives in San Francisco in the wonderful People's Republik of Kalifornia, where she'll be treated like a criminal for carrying a gun to protect herself. That's too bad. Bashing should be a Darwinian experience. For the basher.

Posted by Aubrey at December 30, 2002 10:51 PM
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