January 18, 2003

Brady Bunch Can Kiss My Ass

A lot of people have covered this already, but those scummy suckweasels at the Brady Center (nee Hangun Control Inc.) and the VPC (*spit*) are suing Bushmaster over the DC-area sniper incident. Not being brain-fried like the Brady Bunch, I seem to recall a little something about personal responsibility. Maybe instead of stupidly blaming an inanimate object we might instead realize that evil people do evil things and concentrate on putting the evil people away (preferably 6 feet under).

I sent Bushmaster an email offering my support and I also posted comments on Acidman's entry as well as that of Mrs. du Toit. Acidman emailed me this morning to point out Kim du Toit's suggestion of a buycott. I'd been considering the same thing, although I already own a Bushmaster XM15-E2S. Kim pointed out the M17S Bullpup Rifle, which immediately got my attention. I was going to stop buying guns for a while, but I think I can make room in my safe for one of these.

I don't generally use much profanity on this site, but I think Kim's thoughts on this mirror my own:

Note to the Brady Bunch: Congratulations, fuckwits. Thanks to you, yet another Bushmaster is going to end up in private hands, and moreover, in hands that were not ever likely to own one. So fuck you, and the horse you rode in on, you bastards.

Posted by Aubrey at January 18, 2003 01:56 PM
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