Cold Fury brought this post by Brian Tiemann at Peeve Farm to my attention today. I hadn't read his site before, but I found it interesting to see the perspective from someone who was formerly a hard-core liberal:
But 9/11 and its aftermath made me turn around completely on many other issues. A deeper understanding of American history and the country's founding ideals gave me a deep respect for gun freedoms, though I still don't like shooting them or memorizing bullet dimensions or making things blow up.He's coming to this later than I am. My political turnaround came between 1993 and 1995 (you can guess what events took place in those years, but don't jump to conclusions about why my outlook changed; more on this later). Except for the gun issue (I was part of the armed liberal camp), I would probably have been right there with him on a lot of things back in my younger days.
I think I will write about my political conversion and the events of 1993 to 1995, but just not right now. I'm under viral attack and it's sapping my energy. I'm not good for much right now other than sitting here and staring slack-jawed at the screen. I hope this is just one of those short-term decisive victories, rather than long, protracted trench warfare.
Posted by Aubrey at January 21, 2003 11:54 AM