Thanks to Instapundit I was glad to see this:
A judge threw out a jury's verdict today in what had been considered a landmark case against the distributor of a gun used in the shooting death of middle school teacher Barry Grunow.It's about damn time that people stopped harassing law-abiding sellers of a legal, non-defective product. That damn jury was out of control and the judge put a stop to it. It was pure emotion on the part of the jury. They had found that the gun was not defective, yet still assigned blame to the distributor. It's too bad the distributor will still be out legal costs for this fiasco. Maybe he can countersue or ask for sanctions. I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know his options, but I would want vengeance if I were him (I want vengeance and I'm not him, but then I'm not a very forgiving type :) ).
I'm so sick and tired of opportunistic parasites like this trial lawyer and the Brady bunch trying to make hay of every criminal act commited with a firearm. A pox on all their houses!
Posted by Aubrey at January 27, 2003 08:37 PM