Quickies #6
I debated with myself on whether to post this, but there are some things that have been bugging me and I've got to get them off my chest. What good is a blog if you can't vent about what's on your mind, no matter how sensitive? So, here goes...
Guys, there are some bathroom habits we need to discuss so that we can all get along with a minimum amount of conflict and disruption (not to mention disgust):
- Food has no place in the men's room. I recently saw a guy take an apple into a stall with him. Ok, maybe I'm the one with the hangup, but it disgusted me to no end.
- If you're going to use a stall, close the door. I hate walking in and finding someone else in there.
- Lift the lid! Unless you're an olympic-class sharpshooter, you'd best put it up. Some poor shmuck has to come in and clean up that mess. Have mercy on them.
- Wash you hands! It helps prevent the spread of disease. That, and I don't really want to touch your wang germs on the door handle. I don't really want to get to know you that well, thanks.
- Personal space! Leave an empty stall if available, otherwise we'll have to revoke your man card.
Ok. I feel better now...
Posted by Aubrey at January 27, 2003 09:10 PM