May 05, 2003


Can I say that I hate phones? I find them very frustrating because so much context is lost. Even normal vocal inflections can be missed, because the 4KHz bandwidth loses high and low tones. I have to work really hard while listening on the phone; much harder, in fact, than I would talking to someone in person (even if I'm not looking at that person). I also happen to think that this is one reason that cell phones are so distracting to people who use them while driving.

The other thing I hate is when people don't call you back after saying that they will...

Posted by Aubrey at May 5, 2003 08:33 PM | TrackBack

I understand the feeling when people don't call back. It has already happened to me twice today.

Now I need to go work on more papers and save Spooky from her stalker who called from somewhere on campus tonight...

Posted by: Bitter Bitch at May 5, 2003 09:22 PM

Yep. And you don't want to call yet again and be seen as bothersome. :)

As for Spooky, that sounds kind of worrysome. It's too bad that the silly college doesn't allow you any self-protection devices. If nothing else, it'd probably discourage the average stalker.

Posted by: Aubrey Turner at May 5, 2003 09:33 PM
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