It wasn't my intention to neglect this weblog, but I've been doing so many things lately that I didn't get around to posting. On Friday I visited the du Toits in their new house. They were kind enough to offer to let me have their moving boxes (and there was good food and good conversation).
On Saturday I engaged in a whirlwind tour of the metroplex. And it seemed that I left money behind everywhere I went. I bought a gun safe, a bed (and mattress set), an office corner unit, and a refrigerator.
On Sunday I packed a few things (it turns out I had three boxes of books just laying around on the coffee table and in a couple of chairs) and mowed the lawn at my current place before taking the mower to the new house.
On the positive side I discovered that what I thought was wallpaper in the dining room is actually some kind of faux finish. This means that it'll be a lot easier to just paint over it. After work today I met up with a friend of mine at the house and we considered possible colors. I think we may have a color scheme that will work. I'm going to try to import some pictures of the room into some software I got over the weekend and see if I can try out the color scheme in the software to get an overall view of the new colors. If that doesn't work out, I may buy a little of each color and just try them over the weekend.
Posted by Aubrey at September 29, 2003 09:56 PM | TrackBackAh, a real fridge. That would be nice, after living with the mock-up fridges my apartments have had (no real freezer, ice forming constantly, not much room, etc.)
And those corner desks are really nice, no? I love how much space mine has.
Posted by: Kevin White at September 30, 2003 12:21 AMCool safe. Please don't show Kim. Another safe would be room for more guns. Oh, nevermind. We're going to buy them anyway--might as well have a nice place for them to sleep.
Posted by: Mrs. du Toit at September 30, 2003 01:21 AMHey Aubrey, what was the software for color matching? We're doing that just now ourselves.
Posted by: Full Auto at September 30, 2003 12:18 PMSee my next entry for details. I think it'd be good to share this info.
Posted by: Aubrey Turner at September 30, 2003 12:35 PMSince a safe is such a long-term purchase (i.e. they last forever), I thought it'd be best to get one that was too big, rather than "just right." It'd be aggravating to have to buy another one in a couple of years (and figure out where to put it). I bought the biggest one, the Defender 7241.
Posted by: Aubrey Turner at September 30, 2003 01:04 PMKevin,
It's really a good feeling to own your own refrigerator (rather than one where you wonder what the last tenant might have kept in it). However, I do have to admit that I got carried away at the store. All my needs would have been met by the more basic one that was $500 less (it has filtered water and ice in the door). However, I decided that since I'd probably have it for 20 years or so, the stainless finish and the extra little features would make it more satisfying (or at least that's what I tell myself :) ).
Posted by: Aubrey Turner at September 30, 2003 01:08 PM