Via Slashdot we learn that some people in the telemarketing industry are on the national do-not-call list.
The home telephone numbers of 11 top executives of the Direct Marketing Association - which has waged a bitter court battle to kill a federal no-call list - are on the new registry, which would make them off-limits to those annoying sales calls.Hypocritical bastards... Posted by Aubrey at October 1, 2003 02:21 PM | TrackBack
The Courant found the DMA employees, and top executives from two large telemarketing companies, among the 50 million numbers on the Federal Trade Commission's anti-telemarketing do-not-call list.
The DMA executives, some of whom admit they signed up to protect their own privacy, did so even as their organization waged a legal campaign to prevent federal regulators from blocking telemarketers' calls to millions of other Americans.