When I bought that workbench at Sears on Saturday I also bought a leaf blower that was on sale. I used my Sears card to pay for them. The sales associates always ask you for a phone number to look you up on their system. I gave them my new number (although it won't be active until the 16th), since I'd called them and changed the info on my account last week. I was watching the screen when he entered my phone number and oddly enough someone else's name showed up (along with his address--turns out he lives on the next street over). What's truly weird is that I know this person. I'm hoping that Verizon didn't screw up and give me his number (my hope is that he changed his number and I just ended up with his old one).
Update: It turns out that they haven't used that number for about two years. I guess that illustrates just how long out-of-date information can live on in computer systems (e.x. doing a reverse phone lookup on the number still returns Jeff as owning it).
Posted by Aubrey at October 5, 2003 07:27 PM | TrackBack