March 25, 2004

Peelin' Off The Years?

I've noticed a number of commercials on TV for some kind of chemical skin peel. I know women will go to great lengths to look better, but I am somewhat amused that the commercial touts the fact that the product contains the highest recommended level of glycolic acid for a cosmetic product. When you get down to it you're putting acid on your face in order to peel off a layer of skin. Somehow that doesn't sound too appealing to me.

Anyhow, while it isn't the most potent acid available, consider one of its other uses:

Glycolic acid uses both the hydroxyl and carboxylic acid groups to form five-member ring complexes (chelates) with polyvalent metals. This metal ion complexing ability is useful in dissolution of hard water scale and prevention of deposition, especially in acid cleaning applications where good rinsibility is a key factor.
I think I could live with "fine lines and wrinkles" if it meant avoiding an acid treatment...

Posted by Aubrey at March 25, 2004 08:06 AM | TrackBack
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