The members meeting itself was more of an opportunity for the NRA leadership to try to rally the troops than anything else. There were a couple of resolutions that we voted on, but nothing of earth-shattering importance. I think in the future that I will be unlikely to travel long distances for meetings, although I'll likely go to the one next year, since it will be in Houston, which is fairly close (at least in terms of distances in Texas).
On the other hand, it was good to meet Bitter in person. I didn't personally observe a great amount of bitchiness, but then I suppose I was on her good side. :) But now I've got a face and a voice to put with her posts.
It was brought up in one of the speeches that the upcoming election takes on special significance in that up to four Supreme Court members could be appointed in the next Presidential term. Further, it is becoming inevitable that the Supreme Court will rule soon on a Second Amendment case (I've gotten the impression over the years that the NRA leadership has always been afraid of a 2nd Amendment case getting to the USSC and has been less than helpful with those who have tried to take their cases that far; I think now the leadership knows that it either has to get on the train or be run over by it). While I have a lot of problems with George W. Bush, I can only imagine the havoc a John Kerry-appointed surpreme court would wreak on the 2nd Amendment (not to mention on a host of other issues).
One of the traditions at these meetings is to recognize the oldest and youngest NRA life members in attendance. The oldest was a gentleman from Wisconsin who was 98.
He was not only still sharp mentally (he gave a pretty good speech) but he had walked the entire show floor and seen all the exhibits under his own power.At 8:00pm on Saturday there was a members' banquet. Unfortunately, due to security measures taken for Vice President Cheney's visit, everything was late. We didn't get served until approximately 9:30pm. For entertainment they had a comic (I can't recall his name right now, although he was OK) and Lee Greenwood.