5GB On A Credit Card

PCWorld is reporting that a company called StorCard has created a credit card-sized data storage device that can store from 100MB to over 5GB.  It uses a mylar disc inside the card to store the data and includes a magnetic stripe for possible future use in magnetic readers.  Additionally, it includes an integrated processor that can perform data encryption.  The company claims that the readers will retail for under $100.00 and the cards will be under $15.00. 

I could think of some handy uses for an inexpensive storage medium that could hold lots of data in a small form factor.  However, I noticed that the company claims that their technology “targets government, healthcare, law enforcement and public safety markets.”  This sets off alarm bells for the civil libertarian in me.  I have some concerns about misuse of this technology by those who would number and control us every second of our lives.  I hope this company doesn’t think it’s going to profit from some kind of national ID card scheme.  If so, then I won’t care anymore about the handy uses of the technology.  I will regard them as my sworn enemy and will work to do everything in my power to destroy them.  That may sound harsh, but don’t understimate the power of a sufficiently vocal group of unhappy people.  If you think we can’t make a difference, just ask Richard Sharp (former CEO of Circuit City) about DIVX (and the $100 million he threw down the toilet on it).

Via Slashdot.

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