A Non-starter

I saw this house on Realtor.com and I thought it seemed like a really good deal, given the size of the house and the price.  I even went so far as to request a showing via the website (although they haven’t gotten back to me yet).  However, upon further investigation I found that the house is part of the Arcadia Park homeowners association.  For me, that makes it a non-starter, regardless of how good a deal the house may be.  One look at their rules confirmed this for me.

I have to deal with enough officious twits as it is without having to sign a contract to put myself under the jurisdiction of more of them.


  1. Kim du Toit says:

    Whoa… the residential fascists are alive and well.

    That looks positively Californian….

  2. You’ve got that right.  Those rules seem to have been written by an anal control freak.

    One of the most frightening ones is this:
    “No noxious or offensive activity of any sort shall be permitted nor shall anything be done on any Lot which may be, or may become, an annoyance or a nuisance to the neighborhood.”

    Who decides what is noxious or offensive?  What if the neighorhood busybodies don’t like my TSRA license plates? 

    One of my criteria for any house that I buy is that it doesn’t have an association.

  3. Kevin White says:

    One of my criteria for any house that I buy is that it doesn’t have an association.

    Copy that! I’ve lived in apartments since I was 17, and I’m going to be buying a house in a year and a half or so.

    One of the things I’m looking forward to is escaping the stringent rules and regs my current landlords (Place to Be in Denton) enforce. So I’ll be damned if I’ll move into a house that comes with its own rules and regs. Doing so is like accepting yet another level of government intrusion.