A Weekend Thing?

As I was reading over that last entry, it occurred to me that I think of movie rentals as a weekend thing.  Mostly for Saturday nights, if I’m not going out, and sometimes for Friday or Sunday. 

Even if I have enough uninterrupted time on a week night, I will typically not watch a movie.  In fact, with Netflix, the movies arrive and sit on top of the component rack until the weekend. 

Does anyone else do this?  Or is this just another idiosyncrasy on my part?


  1. Rodney says:

    You know, I actually think of movies on DVD as a weekday thing.  I think of going to the movie theater as a weekend thing though, and would rarely do it during the week.

  2. Kevin White says:

    I think of movie theaters as a social activity, where I’m seeing a movie that I really don’t care about. If there’s a movie out that I really want to see, I’ll *avoid* it in the theater and wait until the DVD is out.

    I’ve started making a little more time for movies during the week lately.