Alive (Barely)

I just finished squeezing three weeks of work into a two week bag and I feel like something my dog dragged home and threw up on the carpet.  Anyhow, it doesn’t help that I had a cleaning and adjustment to my braces yesterday.  If you hear your dentist tell the ortho assistant to “ligate” something, you should know that it means little wires are tied from the bracket to the main wire.  In this case, whatever verbiage she said after the word “ligate” also meant crank the bejeezus out of the tie wire such that the patient’s head feels like it was put in a vice the next day.  Although they did warn me to take some Advil when I got home to get a head start on it.

1 Comment

  1. Rodney Jones says:

    Sorry Aub. I feel for you.