Allah Will Roast Their Servers In Hell
I tried to sign up for the National Do Not Call list this morning, but it took me about an hour of waiting and retries to get through. Now I’m waiting for the email confirmation so that I can complete the process. I don’t envy the system admins for this thing. I bet their mail server is coughing up a huge hairball about now.
It’s not a surprise that nobody wants tele-marketing calls. Maybe this is the route that should be taken to eliminate spam email. Folks could enroll their email addresses on “do not spam” lists and violators would face huge fines—if they could ever be located…
There was some discussion about the use of a “do not spam” list at The Volokh Conspiracy this past week. The biggest problem was that it appeared that the spammers might use the list to verify that an email address is valid so they could send spam to it. I don’t think there will be a legislative solution to spam. Ultimately, I think it will require a combination of social and technical changes to make spam a thing of the past (i.e. email is a completely open protocol whereas the phone system has some accountability; a new email protocol may be needed that provides some validation of the sender).