Bougainville: The folly of banning guns
This article by Dave Kopel, Paul Gallant, and Joanne Eisen in NationalReview online highlights the sheer folly of attempting to ban guns. The tiny island of Bougainville was blockaded in an attempt to deprive the Bougainville Revolutionary Army (BRA) of arms. Instead of bringing the revolution to an end, the blockade ended up killing 10% of the island’s population through starvation and disease. Meanwhile, the BRA have resorted to building their own firearms. They started simple, with single-shot arms, using parts and ammunition from left-over WWII-era supplies and from WWII-era wrecks. The BRA is now producing its own copy of the full-auto M16 (the basic infantry rifle of the United States armed forces, which is not available to civilans in the U.S.).
See the story for the full background on these tenacious islanders.