Can’t We All Just Get Along?
I couldn’t help but notice a recent flare up in the long-running rancorous dispute between the adherents of the pistol design of Gaston Glock and that of John Moses Browning.
As someone who has owned, shot, and carried both designs, I really don’t get where all the acrimony comes from. Live and let live, I say, and let each carry what he or she feels most comfortable with.
Isn’t there room enough in our safes for both?
Hi Aubrey. This is just surreal. Renewed my CHL last Saturday. At the range, two guns consistently malfunctioned. The guy to my right shot a glock. A 22, i think. They guy to my left fired a compact 1911 appearing identical to the one in your picture, even the same grips. Here is the deal. Out of 23 shooters, these two guns consistently malfunctioned. FT Fire on left. FT lock into battery on the right. The instructor said they both needed new magazines. Funny thing is, these guys were all up in everybody’s face before the class, saying what superior guns they had, and had never had problems before. Meanwhile, we all felt like a bunch of idiots during this class, due largely to these two guys/guns. What the hell? Before this session, I would have staked my life on either of these weapons. Now, I am reviewing all weapons on a case by case basis. Thanks – walt
I think your decision to evaluate on a case-by-case basis is probably the wisest course of action. In my own particular case, neither of these guns have given me any trouble. The Glock is a Model 19 factory refurb that I bought in 1996. It’s had upteen thousand rounds put through it since then (I have no idea how many) and, other than a tendency for the ejected shells to land perfectly centered on the top of my head, has been perfectly reliable.
The Springfield is new, though, and only has about 200 rounds through it. So far, no problems, but I won’t feel comfortable carrying until after 500 rounds. I already have several carry guns that I’m confident in and I ended up buying the Springfield kind of on a whim at a gun show a while back, so there’s no big priority for me to finish the break-in (i.e. it gets taken out every so often and gets fired for 50 rounds, which at the rate I’m going means the break-in will be complete sometime in 2011
Anyhow, it’s the break-in period that I find key. Regardless of the model’s reputation, you really don’t know what you’ve got until you’ve shot it for a while and observed it with several different types of ammo.