The Instapundit mentions “NASCAR Dads” and the Democrat party when linking to today’s rant from Kim du Toit. This is an issue that’s been percolating around in the back of my head for a few days. I’d been having similar thoughts, although I was focusing on the ‘soccer mom’ification of America.
With me, the one nonnegotiable part of my political philosophy concerns guns, which is what got me thinking about the issue. As long as Democrats like Kerry run around spouting off about hunting anytime the subject of guns comes up, I will continue to conclude that they are fundamentally out of touch with the real meaning of the Second Amendment. If they want to win over people like me (who think the NRA is too wussy) they’re going to have to acknowledge that the right to own arms is a basic human right that includes self-defense and that it exists regardless of whether the Second Amendment exists. Nothing less will do.
Until they come around on this issue I will consider them an enemy. Yes. ENEMY. Anyone who denies the most basic human right to self defense is no friend of a free citizen, but would instead make you a helpless peasant (just ask those poor bastards in England how well that’s working out). And if the Republicans think they can continue their back-door sneaking sell-out of gun owners, and then turn around and scare me into voting for them by bringing up the spectre of a Democrat victory, they can kiss my ass too.