Crime Report
This really caught my attention, since this is the main theater that I use.
HICKORY CREEK — It could have been a scene from one of the action movies that typically show at the Rave Motion Pictures. On Tuesday, a SWAT team and dozens of officers searched the 16-screen motion-picture complex in a fruitless hunt for a masked man who stabbed an employee of the theater earlier that day.
It’s a little ways south of Denton, so it’s not the most convenient theater, but they don’t have a stupid “no guns” sign like the one at the mall (even though their sign has no legal value for me, I know when I’m not wanted).
Mainly I liked their seating. They have stadium seating so you’re not stuck watching the back of somebody else’s head, and the seats are big enough for an adult (unlike those crappy little seats at the mall).
Maybe I’ll postpone seeing a movie this weekend (although I was interested in seeing Gods And Generals).