David Kopel picked up an old post of mine on Condoleeza Rice’s position in regards to the Second Amendment. This, in and of itself, wouldn’t have been so bad if it hadn’t been linked by Glenn Reynolds.
A one-line indirect link from Instapundit through The Volokh Conspiracy nearly killed the squirrels and broke the rubber bands that run my puny little webserver. The good folks at Dreamhost rebooted the server, which had been wedged by the traffic spike, and everything appears to be back up now.
Update: Here’s some more information on her position from a follow up post.
Update the 2nd: Behold the awesome power of the Insta-Volokh-alanche:
National superstardom!
Or at least a few hours of vastly increased exposure. If it increases readership a little bit in the long run it’s all worth it.