Driver’s Licenses And Organ Donors

I was digging around to see whether I could do the change of address for my driver’s license and CHL online.  It turns out that it’s possible to do both online, so I don’t have to go stand in line at the DPS office. 

A long time ago when I first got my driver’s license, I remember that there was a space for organ donation on the back.  Somewhere along the way that disappeared and I never really noticed.  However, I found this in the DPS FAQ.

The Department no longer collects organ donor information as part of the Driver License renewal process. Should you choose to participate in the “Live and Give” program, donor cards are available to the public at any driver license office. For more information about being an organ and tissue donor, you may contact the Texas Medical Association at (512) 370-1300 or visit their website at

I may look into this at some point in the future (I used to have it indicated on my license that I was an organ donor).

1 Comment

  1. shell says:

    Why do I suspect a lawsuit was involved?  Someone died and organs were taken without the family’s knowledge and the family claimed later the person didn’t mean to be a donor? 

    Just speculation.  I suppose it could have been a budget thing too.

    Virginia has a little heart that goes on the license for organ donation.  Very frou-frou, but then Virginia Is For Lovers.