Folded, Spindled, and Mutilated Bollocks
So I see that some pinhead (or pinheads, as may be) has decided to create a Spanish version of The Star Spangled Banner. If there was one song that should not have ever been translated, that’s the one. There is absolutely no way to do it justice in another language, as the idiom and feel would be lost.
However, that said, if these idiots had confined themselves to simply trying to translate the words into Spanish for the sake of helping those in other countries to understand it, I probably wouldn’t care much. But no, they couldn’t contain themselves, and they just had to change the music to make it more “accessible” somehow. Then you add in the fact they called it “Nuestro Himno” and I begin to see red.
What a load of bollocks! In terms of offensiveness, this one comes in just behind flying the U.S. flag upside down and flying the damn Mexican flag in downtown Dallas. If these people really wanted to be Americans they’d learn English and struggle to hit the notes with the rest of us. In English! Just as it was written. This is just one more thing that confirms to me that these so-called “immigrants” really just want to bring their country here, rather than really becoming Americans (like real immigrants would).
Personally I like America the Beautiful better and wish that is were the anthem – the high notes kill me – Oh well