Getting Organized

There’s something about the new year that makes me want to get better organized.  I spent some time over the holidays fiddling around with things trying to straighten them out. 

I completely redid my entertainment center, removing the old piers and bridge and replacing it with a single rack.  I mounted the TV in the kitchen on the wall to get it off the counter and free up space.  I also organized all my caps, which freed up a lot of space in the closet (and made it a lot neater than the previous pile).

But while I was at Linens ‘n Things yesterday I came across this neat little toothpick dispenser.  Perhaps I’ve gone a bit mad, but for some reason this thing gives me great satisfaction.  It was a total impulse purchase as I didn’t even know they had them until I saw it while walking by. 

1 Comment

  1. Dave says:

    “But while I was at Linens ‘n Things yesterday I came across this neat little toothpick dispenser.”

    Ah yes, it’s the simple things in life.  :o)