Gun Grabbers Exposed
Eugene Volokh has more on the people behind (I’m not giving these idiots a link). It turns out that the site is owned by the “Violence Policy Center” and he’s caught them in their slimy, back-door attempt to ban guns through consumer regulation. Check the quote from Tom Diaz.
Some people may think that gun owners and civil rights activists¹ are paranoid and quick to jump on the slippery slope argument. It’s not paranoid if they’re really out to get you. And we’ve just been perceptive enough to see through these bastards.
And right beneath this article, there’s another on the NRA standing up for both the First and Second amendments against an idiotic school district policy at Jack Jouett Middle School in Albermarle County, VA. See the press release here.
¹ Yes, this includes the right to keep and bear arms. Any elected official who creates or enforces any gun control (more appropriately known as victim disarmament) law should be tried for violating people’s civil rights (and for violation of the oath of office for failing to uphold the Constitution).