It’s Going To Be A Long Year…

Today is election day.  That means that we will have the governor’s election in one year.  On the Republican side Carole Keeton Strayhorn is challenging Gov. Rick Perry for the nomination.  Unfortunately, the fight has already started, with Strayhorn running attack ads on Perry.  Further, there are a couple of Democrats who have already announced, not to mention this guy (and his CMT reality show).

Frankly, I’m not sure what to make of Strayhorn.  She seems like a crap-stirrer, which can sometimes be a good thing, depending on whether the particular crap in question needed stirring.  I guess I’m going to get plenty of opportunities to find out what she wants me to believe over the next year.  I suppose sometime around the end of October next year I’ll actually get around to researching her true views.

I fear this is going to be an especially long and bitter year as “One Tough Grandma” attacks “Gov. Good Hair” at every opportunity.


  1. Cinomed says:

    If I voted tomorrow (Which is a dumb exercise I know)
    I would vote Kinky just to stick it to the establishment.

    Now if in one year’s time, neither Perry nor Strayhorn has proven to me they are going to toughen the border security substantially, nor take any somewhat radical stance on our Rights, namely the Second Amendment, I will still plan on voting Kinky.

    Perry has lost points by not declaring any sort of emergency four our Maxican border, as Nevada and Arizona have.

  2. I don’t know where Strayhorn stands on guns, so that’s definitely something for future research.

    Perry may not be radical, but he’s been friendly to all of the measures that TSRA has gotten passed and he’s signed them.  He’s also signed a number of new reciprocity agreements as well as one-way proclamations (for situations where Texas law recognizes the validity of another state’s permit, even if that state doesn’t recognize ours).

    I don’t know where Friedman stands on guns, either, so there’s some more research to do.