Let’s Talk About The Weather (In Chicago)

I’m supposed to be at an all-hands project kick-off meeting this week, but it’s not off to an auspicious start so far.  Chicago had bad weather today, which delayed everything coming into O’Hare.  They cancelled my connecting flight out of O’Hare and the next one they can get me on (confirmed) is for noon tomorrow.  I’m on standby for 9:00am, so I’m trying to decide whether to try to get a room somewhere or crawl off into a corner and lay about until morning. 

For the moment I’m amusing myself by using the high-priced airport Wi-Fi.  At least I can claim that it’s marginally business related, since I used it to send emails to my manager and various other parties who are supposed to be in tomorrow’s meeting.  I just hope that at least one of them will check email when they get to the meeting (I also harvested a couple of cell numbers from the company directory, which I will use in the morning).

Oh well… what can you do?  There’s no point in getting upset about it.  But the more I think about it, the more I realize that while I like visiting places, I’m not too enamored of the whole process of traveling.  Somebody needs to get crackin’ on those Star Trek transporters…

And one more thing…  I think the smell of the Cinnabon stand is going to slowly drive me insane by morning.  It’s good at first, but after a while it just smells nasty.

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