Lurking Evil

There’s something lurking in my kitchen.  It’s infesting the lower part of the pantry.  It taunts me like the heart under the floorboard in Poe’s story.

This is a dangerous time of year for a recovering carb junky.  Last year I avoided the problem by going out on Halloween so I didn’t have to deal with trick-or-treaters or candy.  But now that I have the house I thought it best to have candy on hand so I can appease any little heathens that might come by.  I can only hope that there will be enough of them to get rid of all the candy, or I’m going to be in trouble.  This year Halloween is on a Friday, so I won’t be able to take the leftovers into work the next day. 

Anyway, as of Saturday morning I’d lost 94 pounds on the Atkins plan, so I’m going to do my best to stay away from the candy.  However, the Whoppers may yet be my undoing.


  1. Advice from another Atkins guy: put the last remaining remnants out on a paper plate on the front porch after you tire of entertaining the goblins.  Presto-change-o!  No leftovers!

  2. I hadn’t thought of that, although if it’s too late I don’t think anyone would see that it’s there, since my front porch is well hidden from the street.  Because of this I put up some eyeball and skull lights along the walkway so people will know I’m “open for business” tomorrow night.  However, I may give it a try if there’s any candy left.  I certainly don’t want to have it sitting in the house all weekend…