Miscellaneous Gun Stuff

There are only 13 days left until National Ammo Day

Unfortunately, the situation with .45ACP for my Kimber Ultra CDP II has reached dire levels.  Firing at least 100 rounds per week has taken quite a toll on my stocks.  I still have quite a bit of Wolf ammo, but the Kimber doesn’t like it.  So I was forced to order a case of Sellier & Bellot from Cheaper Than Dirt.

The Wolf, in addition to being inexpensive ($7.49/box of 50) is decent ammo and works well in my other handguns (both 45 and 9mm).  However Sellier & Bellot is some of the best ammo I’ve found for the price.  In .45 ACP (230 gr FMJ) it can be had for $8.97 per box of 50.  It uses brass cases and it seems to leave the gun cleaner than the Wolf.  That certainly beats the $12.97 per box I paid for UMC at the range today (and I am of the opinion that the S&B is better than the UMC).

Anyway, I will still be buying ammo on the 19th to show my solidarity.  I’ll just buy some in one of the other calibers that I use.  It looks like I’m running low on .380ACP, so that might be a good candidate.

The other gun that I took to the range today was my EAA Witness 9mm.  I mention this because someone posted a comment in an entry from my archive where I described my initial impressions of this gun.  Josh asks:

I also have the compact version of the witness 9mm.  I have been very happy with it but was wondering if anyone had tried the conversion kits for this gun in either .22, 40 or 45.

I haven’t personally tried one of these and I haven’t seen any at the gun shows (although I have to admit I haven’t looked closely).  Even though I find the Witness in 9mm to have fairly light recoil, the idea of being able to practice with .22 ammo appeals to me because of both reduced cost and reduced recoil (a box of Wolf 9mm 115 gr FMJ goes for $5.79, which could buy quite a bit of .22LR).  I’ll keep my eye open at the next gun show to see if one of these conversion kits shows up, although I suspect that I’ll probably have to order it if I want one (there aren’t many Witnesses at the gun shows).

Update:  It appears that Kim du Toit has been playing with a .45 as well today.  He had some problems with S&B in his gun and is planning to try PMC.  The PMC is excellent stuff, but a bit more expensive ($10.14/box of 50 in 230gr FMJ).

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