New Guns
I’ve updated my guns page to include my latest acquisitions:
The Nagant was definitely an impulse buy. I went to the show on Saturday (apparently I left about the time Rachel Lucas arrived) looking for a scope for my Bullpup. I found a scope but ended up browsing the rest of the show. I stopped at this carbine and looked it over. It caught my eye because it was Soviet-made, stamped 1945, and in good condition (the stock had been repaired, but it was pretty well done).
I printed out a copy of a manual* created in the 1950’s by the Army’s ordinance corps so that I will be able to take it down and clean it. As soon as the ammo arrives I’m going to schedule some range time to try it out.
* If anyone is interested in manuals for a lot of old military guns, Cheaper Than Dirt sells a CD containing them (in PDF form). I can’t get to their website right now, or I’d post a link to it. The item number is ‘MGR-861’.
How did the Bushmaster perform? I started to buy one but read that they have some real functionality problems.