On And On

I told myself the other day that I’d wrap up the painting in the living room on Saturday.  I’d done most of the walls and a little over half the trim.  I estimated that it would take about 7 hours or so to finish.  I got started a little after noon and realized that I’d need more paint around 3:00pm.  I finally wrapped up a little after 3:00am (2:00am after adjusting the clocks), and spent Sunday regretting it.  I still have a few little areas where I need to touch up (like where I replaced the thermostat after painting the walls), but I’ll deal with those when I do the dining room and kitchen (probably in a few weeks).  I’m hoping that those areas won’t take as long, since there’s a lot less trim to deal with.


  1. Rodney says:

    You’ve got my sympathy, my friend.  I’ve got trim that I’ve needed to paint for the last 6 months, but I just ran out of steam.

    You’re welcome to borrow my power roller if you want.  It’ll make painting the dining room a snap.

  2. Bitter says:

    Just remember when you get tired of this that at least the pink is gone.  Pink is just so very wrong.

  3. Rodney,

    Thanks for the offer, but I think I can handle the dining area pretty quickly with a regular roller.  It really isn’t very big compared to the living room. 


    You’re right.  The pink has been eliminated in the living room and hopefully it won’t take nearly as long to do the rest.