Pickpockets At The Polls
The latest huge bond package request from KISD passed, after a full-court press by the KISD administration and other interested parties (including at least three mailings from the school district itself). I was less than pleased with the rhetoric and techniques of the “Yes” crowd, specifically their threat that failing to vote to raise our taxes to fund the extravagant school building programs would cause our taxes to be raised to fund portable buildings.
It leads me to question the whole concept of funding for public schools. A whole segment of the population has managed to foist the external costs of their behavior onto the rest of us. On top of that they have managed to paint us as evil if we question paying for the costs of their children.
If we were to really make school funding fair, the people who use the service would pay for it. Instead, every time another family moves into far North Ft. Worth, my taxes go up.
What? That’s cold and heartless? Sorry, but it’s about time somebody spoke up and told the cold, hard truth. If people can’t afford the costs of educating their children, then maybe they ought to be thinking about whether they should have them or not and stop expecting the rest of us to subsidize their choices.